Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ohio State Buckeyes, punishment and no bowl game

I usually cover the Chicago Bears in my blog, but I'm also interested in other teams. Ohio State is one that I want to talk about. You might ask why, to me that is a simple question I can answer. But I shall delve into detail about why. But to answer it simply is because I think their punishment is complete and total bull shit.

How is their punishment so? Simple, there were other teams wo have commuted the same crimes as they did, USC is one offender. Remember the Reggie Bush saga? I do. Georgia is another one, remember Cam Newton's father? I do. I could go on with other offenders. Did Georgia get a bowl game suspension? No. Did USC? No. In fact, USC was allowed to keep theory accolades except for the Heisman Trophy that Reggie Bush won. So, why do I think the one game bowl suspension is bull shit? It's because the NCAA has laid down an unjust punishment considering the same punishment should've been laid out for them. Then and only then will I agree the punishment is just.

Not just that but I also didn't see how what those players did was wrong. I wouldn't sell one of my basketball accolades from high school, but they aren't me. If I needed the money and my awards were worth something, I'd probably sell them too. I'm glad Jim Tressel is out as the Buckeyes coach but not because he was a cheater or did something wrong. It's simply because be couldn't win big games, like Urban can. And now, before you go off half cocked and say I say this because I'm a Buckeyes fan, you're wrong, I'm a Gators fan.

I just see an injustice and figured I'd talk about it even if nobody will listen. If you would like to leave me feedback or your own comments, please do so.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Green Bay, loss...

Now that Bears fan are feeling the grief of four straight losses, it looks like my assumptions on my team were right. We need an offensive line to win. Cutler is good, running backs are good; Forte and Bush are a great tandem and don't forget Armando Allen, he's a little bolt. Our wide recievers, Marshall is a grown man. He makes grown man plays constantly. Earl Bennett, my favorite player in the NFL is also good. This guy if he can stay healthy will be a 1000 yard reciever next to Marshall. Hester, good in the return game still. Jeffry, good but needs to stop pushing off.

We took it to Green Bay more so than I had thought we would. If we had just a little bit of line blocking, we might have won. It all comes back to and hinges on our offensive and defensive lines.

Our coaching staff, consistently losing football games. Lovie Smith, what can be said about him? Other than he is a poor coach and consistently makes poor decisions. Tice, a poor Lovie Smith decision is not great but is it him or the fact our line is so woeful? Some would blame him though. Marinelli, as many if you know, I'm high on this, I generally like him. He is a good defensive coach. Special Teams, still the best there is despite NFL rules preventing it.

In the end, we will miss the playoffs, I don't see us making it because of the reasons above.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Chicago Bears, can they win out? Get in the playoffs? Win in the playoffs?

Can the Chicago Bears win out? Sure, they can. Jay Cutler has a lot of moxie. He has the will to win. Also, Matt Forte is a winner and is a tough guy who has the will to win. Another reason we can win out, Brandon Marshall! This guy makes the best defense look awful. Green Bay got lucky the first time. They won't fare so well this time. They may win but they won't win in the same manner they did earlier in the year. Another reason we can win out, our defense. The key here lies in the fact that they need to play top notch or this could mean we lose.

Can we get into the playoffs? Yes, if we win out. That is the only way we can. And for the same exact reasons for why we win out. This team has a lot of talent and whatever happens in winning is in spite of Lovie "Can't Ya See Me Smile" Smith. Thanks Wardi, wherever you are. It is also in spite of Mike Tice, who is an absolute joke. Instead of the Randy Ratio, we have the Brandon Ratio. This is Tice's offensive plan, throw as many times to Marshall ad you can. A bad plan? No. A good one? Maybe. The only coach I do like is Rod Marinelli. I think the guy is a good defensive coach.

Can we win in the playoffs? No, I don't think so. Our offensive line is too poor to do so. I'm not going to lay the entire blame on our offensive line, because our coaching staff minus Marinelli are a joke. On top of all of this, Seattle is tough. The Falcons are too, despite their blow out loss. So, in the end I don't think it truly matters what happens for us, we won't fair too well in the playoffs.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Are we doomed? Probably!

As a Bears fan, I am used to being let down and used to seeing players not okay to their potential ala David Terrell, oh so many years ago. Or seeing Rex Grossman who I was a fan of, having up and down games. What is the point of my blog this time?

It is simply that I haven't seen a team just be so terrible in my 35 years of existence. This offensive line is the worst of the worst. It's amazing that Jay Cutler and Matt Forte ever gain a yard. If it weren't for Brandon Marshall's grown self and the fact that Cutler is good, we'd be doomed. If Matt Forte wasn't a pro bowl caliber player, he probably wouldn't gain a yard. This offensive line outside of Garza hasn't been good. Our tight ends are average pass catchers but both can block pretty well. Why we ever traded off Greg Olsen is beyond my realm of comprehension.

We are deep at wide reciever and running back. Our running back corps is the deepest in the NFL, arguably. We are also deep at wide reciever. Marshall is a beast. Bennett, my favorite player in the NFL is an underrated talent. Jeffrey is big and has talent. The defense has talent but our coverage unit isn't too deep but has talent.

Feel free to leave me comments. I would love to hear from you.