Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Charles Tillman and the Pro Bowl

My next topic as you can see is Charles Tillman. What can be said about him? He rarely gets hurt, he is a good corner in zone or man. The proof of how good he really is was on Sunday when he nearly shutdown Calvin Johnson. He didn't shut him down in the conventional aspect because Johnson did have yards but he did manage to keep him at bay. That late cover job where at the last minute got his hand in and broke up at well placed pass to force an incompletion is proof.

In his career, he has appear in just one pro bowl, which is an atrocity for a corner as good as him. He should and better make it this year of this blogger will be lobbying for repicking for the Pro Bowl. We all know the Pro Bowl is a joke anyway, but you would expect the best players to truly be on there. Which is almost never the case.

So, after Tillman's performance on Sunday he gained defensive player of the week for the second straight week. If he doesn't manage to get defensive player of the month, I will be appalled and shocked. All I truly care about is that Tillman keeps playing up to par and stays healthy. This will make every Bears fan truly happy. Bear down.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

False Hope

The looming football week. With one game under our belt and more to come Sunday and Monday, we all sit like children on Christmas morning to wait to open their presents to see out team play and win. Every fan knows from the start that their team can and will win. This is what I'm dubbing as false hope.

This false hope keeps all of us going through most of the football season, most of the offseason, preseason, the NFL draft and free agency.  During the season, we hope that our team can hang with the big fellas of the NFL; the Patriots, the Packers, The Steelers, and the Bears (can you see my bias). During the offseason, we just hope out team can get into the NFL draft and get good players. We also hope that they can make it through free agency with either nobody leaving or a player who is a good replacement if one does. This false hope makes us all believers in our teams.

False hope. What more can be said about it? We are all guilty of it. We all think our team is better than what it really is. Whether you are a Bears fan like me who put all of your beliefs in Jay Cutler, or if you're a Packers fan who has put all your beliefs in a banged up defense or if you're a Vikings who knows your teams sucks but cheer them on regardless because of that false hope.

So is false hope bad? Depends how you look at it. All I can say is it makes every football season interesting.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Green Bay Packers Nightmare

The Green Bay Packers, what can be said about this team? They're a nightmare. In more than one way. The point I am going to try and raise here are not meant to anger anyone. Nor is it meant to take anything away from this team even if I am a Bears fan.

The first way this team is a nightmare is they are like Doctor Jeckel and Mister Hyde. One week they look like a serious contender and then the next week they are squeaking and eeking by their opponent. And another week they just look like losers. We all know they are banged up and have serious problems. These problems extend from the injury bug to their night and day defense.

Another way they are a nightmare is the fact that their fans have to sit up at night and wonder how one week their team can be a serious contender and then the next week looking like the hapless Lions of old. The fans have to wonder what is going on with this team.

Clay Matthews, what can be said about this guy? He is everything the hype says he is. He is big, strong and an all out beast. However, this guy can't help but wonder how good he really is. Is he a system guy? I doubt it. This guy is good but I also think, if he was with any other team, than the Green Bay Packers, how good would he be? Would he have ever gotten his due? I tend to wonder.

Lastly, don't send me hate mail or death threats because I had the brass to criticize the golden boys, no pun intended of the NFL.

Good Night.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bye Weeks

Bye weeks are an important part of football. Every team awaits their bye week. The main reason for this is injuries. Every team has them, some are more severe than others. In some cases a team has good depth, so they don't have to worry about their injury or injuries.

Another reason for these bye weeks is rest. If you don't rest your players, then they could get injured or just break down and their play drops off. Rest is an essential part of any sport. Why do you think a team will rest a player if they are blowing out a team or have locked up the playoffs.

Lastly, another reason for bye weeks are to gear for the second part of the reason. What do I mean by this? It's quite simple. If a team is say 6-1 when they go on their bye, after their bye, they are more likely to not take as many risks as early in the year. Example, Green Bay's fake field goal against the Bears, going for of on 4th and 2 at your own 20.

So, now that you understand bye weeks and what the point of them are, don't complain because they're are good thing for all teams and their fans.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kneeling and Sportsmanship

This blog is about players who kneel at the one yard line instead of scoring. Sure, your team may be up by 40 points but that doesn't mean players shouldn't score. I hate to see this as a football nut. It takes away from the game. When you stop scoring, that means you're not playing the game correctly. I also hate it when a QB kneels to run time out of the game. I hate it but that's smart. Scoring 6 or 7 points is the name of the game. As Bobby Bowden once said, if you don't want me top score, stop me. That's not an exact quote but its close to what be had said.

It's not fair to those backup players who work hard in practice, who wish they had their time in the sun.  Personally, if I was paid millions there is no way I'd kneel if I could score. Not to mention the fantasy football aspect of things. That kneel could mean a loss or a win. I know because I had if happen once. I believe it was either Michael Turner or Frank Gore, who knelt and screwed me out of fantasy football. Not that, that should ever be in a coaches or players mind. But its just stupid and senseless to kneel.

This is just something that I had on my mind, so I decided to write about it. Let me know what you think. Thank you and I will be looking forward to my next blog.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Any Given Sunday

I have to say I have been nothing but shocked by the current NFL season. On many accounts actually. The fact that the Green Bay Packers are so bad. Another one is, that my Chicago Bears are tied with the Minnesota Vikings of all teams for first in the NFC North.

What do I mean? I knew the Bears would be good. I had no idea with the drafting or Alshon Jeffrey, the signing of Brandon Marshall, and most of all the re-signing of Matt Forte. Not to mention locking up Michael Bush.

Other surprises are Peyton Manning is playing well but that's not the surprise and this is, that he is wearing a Broncos jersey. The fact that Mark Sanchez is still the QB despite having Tim Tebow breathing down his neck. Other surprises are the Saints poor season thus far. The Lions are terrible, but that isn't much of a surprise to me. Their defense is woeful. Another surprise is the Cardinals.

As this season looms over us, we have had other surprises. Green Bay gets screwed over by the replacement referees. The fact that the NFL was stupid enough to not pay the real referees what they think or are worth.

In the end there have been so many surprises this year and a friend of mine always rings in my head. Any given Sunday, the title of my article.