Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Green Bay Packers Nightmare

The Green Bay Packers, what can be said about this team? They're a nightmare. In more than one way. The point I am going to try and raise here are not meant to anger anyone. Nor is it meant to take anything away from this team even if I am a Bears fan.

The first way this team is a nightmare is they are like Doctor Jeckel and Mister Hyde. One week they look like a serious contender and then the next week they are squeaking and eeking by their opponent. And another week they just look like losers. We all know they are banged up and have serious problems. These problems extend from the injury bug to their night and day defense.

Another way they are a nightmare is the fact that their fans have to sit up at night and wonder how one week their team can be a serious contender and then the next week looking like the hapless Lions of old. The fans have to wonder what is going on with this team.

Clay Matthews, what can be said about this guy? He is everything the hype says he is. He is big, strong and an all out beast. However, this guy can't help but wonder how good he really is. Is he a system guy? I doubt it. This guy is good but I also think, if he was with any other team, than the Green Bay Packers, how good would he be? Would he have ever gotten his due? I tend to wonder.

Lastly, don't send me hate mail or death threats because I had the brass to criticize the golden boys, no pun intended of the NFL.

Good Night.


  1. You made me want to try the blogging thing. So I'm now following you haha. Not really sure how the whole thing works, but oh well. I like this post, Vince. It's the truth. The game last night was freaking awesome though!

  2. Yeah, they are literally like Jeckel and Hyde. One week good, one week bad.

  3. Yeah, they are literally like Jeckel and Hyde. One week good, one week bad.
